Who Needs a Guidebook in 2024?

The value of a hiking guide when everything’s online By Diane Stresing Park apps, maps, the weather – it’s all in your phone. In 2024, does anyone really need a hiking guidebook? Well, thousands of people who’ve purchased title in the 60 Hikes within 60 Miles series...

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First Day Hikes Starts Year On Right Foot

For the third straight year, hiking groups across the country will come together on January 1 to ring in the new year right with one of the simplest, most invigorating activities there is: hiking. First Day Hikes -- for the first time this year, an official...

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How Can You Hike More Each Week? Keep Your Local Hiking Guide At Hand

[caption id="attachment_1801" align="alignleft" width="400"] Diane Stresing, author of 60 Hikes within 60 Miles: Cleveland (Menasha Ridge Press)[/caption] CLEVELAND -- We asked Diane Stresing, author of 60 Hikes within 60 Miles: Cleveland, how she works regular hiking into her busy, day-to-day schedule. Her solution is simple: she keeps her local...

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We Are Wildness 30 Day Challenge

Will you spend 30 minutes in Nature, for 30 days straight? We are Wildness (WAW), a hub site for information about wild living, nature, alternative lifestyles, natural diet and wellness, animals and sustainability, has extended this challenge to the world: to spend the month of October devoting...

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Make Your Kids Fall in Love with Nature

Cincinnati-based hiking expert and author Tammy York has been busy this past month sharing tips all over the blogosphere on how to make your kids fall in love with the Great Outdoors. Recently, Tammy shared with the Cincinnati Nature Center one particular way to get your kids...

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Summer Hiking Safety Tips

Cincinnati hiking expert and author Tammy York shared with Cincinnati Children's Hospital some tips for staying safe while out on the trail with the family this summer. From carrying enough water (at least 6 oz/person/mile) and DEET-free protection from insects/critters to tips on how to keep...

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Philadelphia – Get ready to go hiking!

Check out what arrived this week! Sandra Kear's 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Philadelphia is headed to bookstores right now and will be available for sale within the week. This book is loaded with the best trails for all skill levels. Not to mention the trails...

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Attention Houston… Author Event!

60 Hikes within 60 Miles: Houston author Laurie Roddy is all set to present tonight at the Westheimer REI store. The event kicks off at about 7:00pm, today October 6th. So get there early to check out the book and find out about all of...

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